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Final announcement

Dear colleagues,


this is a final reminder on the approaching WG2 & WG3 Meeting of the MD-GAS COST Action CA18212:



Dynamics of Energetic & Electronic Processes in

 molecules and clusters in the GAS phase

 4-7 October 2022 in Madrid, Spain.


A list of confirmed speakers is available online


There is no participation fee, but registration is mandatory via the conference web page.


Deadline for Registration: 26 September 2022

Deadline for Abstract submission: 16 September 2022


Please be aware that opportunities for financial support to attend the meeting are available for speakers and participants. The priority for support will be given to the speakers and a limited number of slots for oral presentation are still open. Don’t be shy and apply for an oral contribution.


Contact us if you would like propose suitable candidates, apply for financial support or for further information at


Looking forward to meeting you in Madrid !


Ana Isabel Lozano, Sylvain Maclot, Dariusz Piekarski, Lucas Schwob

Paola Bolognesi & Sergio Díaz-Tendero


Organisers of DEEP-GAS 2022

MD-GAS COST Action (CA18212)



2nd Announcement

Dear colleagues,

It’s our pleasure to announce that the joined WG2 & WG3 Meeting of the MD-GAS COST
Action CA18212:

Dynamics of Energetic & Electronic Processes in
molecules and clusters in the GAS phase
4-7 October 2022 in Madrid, Spain.

is now open for registration!

A preliminary program of confirmed speakers is available online.

There is no participation fee, but registration is mandatory.

You are most welcome to contribute to the scientific program by poster among which four will
be selected for oral presentation at the young scientific forum.
Please submit your abstract to (Template available at STEP 3 of submission)

Deadline for registration: 26 September 2022
Deadline for Abstract submission: 16 September 2022

A limited number of participants can be supported by the MD-GAS Action

Please contact us for further information at

Among fundamental atomic and molecular physics, chemical physics, and applications in radiation therapy and damage on the nanoscale, astrochemistry, astrobiology, atmospheric science, and climate research interests of the working groups 2 and 3, the meeting will host a session specifically focused on systems of biological interest as well as a session fully dedicated to Early Career Investigators, an essential tradition of our MD-GAS meetings!

Looking forward to meeting you in Madrid!

Ana Isabel Lozano, Sylvain Maclot, Dariusz Piekarski, Lucas Schwob
Paola Bolognesi & Sergio Díaz-Tendero
Organisers of DEEP-GAS 2022
MD-GAS COST Action (CA18212)


1st Announcement

It’s our pleasure to announce the joined WG2 & WG3 Meeting of the MD-GAS COST Action CA18212:



Dynamics of Energetic & Electronic Processes in

 molecules and clusters in the GAS phase


It will take place as a live event on the 4-7 October 2022 in Madrid, Spain.


Among fundamental atomic and molecular physics, chemical physics, and applications in radiation therapy and -damage on the nanoscale, astrochemistry, astrobiology, atmospheric science, and climate research interests of the working groups 2 and 3, the meeting will host a session specifically focused on systems of biological interest as well as a session fully dedicated to Early Career Investigators, an essential tradition of our MD-GAS meetings!

You are most welcome to contribute to the scientific program by nominating suitable candidates for plenary and progress report contributions, by sending an email to


Important dates are:

  •  30th April 2022 – deadline for speakers nomination


There is no participation fee, but registration will be mandatory. A limited number of participants can be supported by the MD-GAS Action. 

More information coming soon, for the scientific program and other arrangements.


Looking forward to meet you in Madrid!


Ana Isabel Lozano, Sylvain Maclot, Dariusz Piekarski, Lucas Schwob

Paola Bolognesi & Sergio Díaz-Tendero


Organisers of DEEP-GAS 2022

MD-GAS COST Action (CA18212)






Important dates

⦿ 30 April 2022 – deadline for speakers nomination

⦿ 16 September 2022 – deadline for abstract submission

⦿ 26 September 2022 – deadline for registration

⦿ 4-7 October 2022 – Conference

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