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List of confirmed invited speakers


Plenary Lectures

Raimund Feiffel - Multiple electrons on the fly

Rebecca Boll - X-ray induced Coulomb explosion imaging of complex molecules

Lorenzo Avaldi - Photoelectron-photoion coincidence studies of molecules of biological interest

Patrik Španěl - Gas phase ion molecule reactions and their application to (B)VOC analyses


Progress Reports

Patrik Hedvall - Theoretical studies on mutual neutralization in collisions of oppositely charged atomic or molecular ions

Aleksandar Milosavljevic - On-the-fly photoelectron spectroscopy of mas/charge selected ESI-generated ions: experimental technique and fundamental challenges

Olga Lushchikova - The structure and reactivity of gas-phase copper clusters

Marc Simon - Dynamics and structures perspectives in Atomic and Molecular Physics in the tender x-ray region (2-12 keV)

Rocio Borrego Varillas - Ultrafast dynamics in donor-acceptor molecules investigated by attosecond spectroscopy

Eva Muchova - Modelling of X-ray spectroscopies of allene: Pitfalls and Solutions

João Ameixa - Gas-phase studies on electron attachment processes with model systems of mitochondrial electron carrier molecules

Janina Kopyra - Electron driven fragmentation of biologically relevant molecules

Teodora Kirova - Numerical investigations of the impact of the electromagnetic field of radiation on amino acids

Yoni Toker - Can Symmetric Molecules Cool Down In the Interstellar Medium?

Mathieu Gisselbrecht - Fragmentation of molecular clusters using synchrotron radiation

Arno Ehresmann - Energy and charge transfer processes in clusters investigated by photon and multi-coincidence spectroscopies

Laura Rego - Tailoring the polarization of light for chiral discrimination

Vincent Wanie Ultrafast electron and chiral dynamics in bio-relevant molecules initiated by UV and XUV light pulses

Sándor Demes - Recent advances in collisional excitation of interstellar polyatomic molecules

Károly Tőkési - Significant improvement in the classical treatment of one-electron atomic systems with the addition of the Heisenberg correction– ionization, state selective electron capture cross sections



Special Reports

Eva Vos - Understanding the chemical evolution of DNA: A theoretical study of the photophysics of nucleobases’ ancestors

Carlos Guerra - Total electron detachment cross section and induced cationic fragmentation for superoxide oxygen (O2-) collisions with benzene, oxygen, carbon dioxide and 1-methyl-5-nitroimidazole.

Ori Licht - Bond formation within amino acids clusters following irradiation by UV light

Nicolina Pop - The electron scattering on H2+ , BeH+ molecular cations (and isotopologues): Dissociative recombination and vibrational transitions

Mathias Poline - Study of charge transfer reactions between atmospheric ions at the cryogenic double electrostatic ion-beam storage ring DESIREE

Branislav Milovanović  - Formation of Cyclobutane Dimers from the Solvated Uracil Stacks

Demeter Tzeli  - Quadruple and sextuple bonds in diatomic molecules



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